We can configure the DI framework in Angular in three main ways.
- Module Injector @ root level
- Module Injector @ platform level
- Element Injector using providers meta data in Component/Directive/Pipe
- Element Injector using viewProviders meta data in Component.
- Null Injector
- Module Injector @ root level
Module Injector enforces the service to used only inside a specific module. ProvidedIn meta data available in @Injectable has to be used to specify the module in which the service can be used.
The value should refer to the one of the registered Angular Module (decorated with @NgModule). root is a special option which refers the root module of the application. The sample code is as follows −
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root', }) export class DebugService { constructor() { } }
2.Element Injector using providers
Element Injector enforces the service to be used only inside some particular component/Directive/Pipes.
3. Element Injector using viewProviders
viewProviders is similar to provider except it does not allow the service to be used inside the components content created using ng-content directive.
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